
The thing about following the Narrow Path is people think of the children of YAH as pansies, when we are actually warriors. When the romans came for our King they took Him only because He allowed them to take Him. He made that clear to everyone.

People think me crazy because I believe in a Creator and tho many claim no “religion” or not following any gods they actually do, non-believers laugh about some demonic force making them bow down in worship to it.

It’s not making Atheist or Christains bow to paganism, it’s a willful act kneeling in worship to false gods. To say you do not believe, yet participate in religious things is hypocritical and a joke within itself.

The World is about to celebrate Easter for the Christians is about a god the atheist don’t believe in. Yet atheist celebrate it, dressing children in the finest clothes sending them to hunt red eggs like a sacrifice.

Easter is a pagan tradition and this was adopted by Constantine the great when he mixed the religions together. So you have christians satisfied this honors their god, while pagans know for a fact it honors the god Ishtar.

Easter originally was a celebration of the goddess for fertility and sex. Her symbols have always been the egg and bunny. 

Bunnies are one the fastest procreating mammals, symbolizing sex, lust and reproduction. This is why models dress up as Playboy bunnies. You really didn’t think these things had anything to do with the Messiah of the Bible did ya?

This celebration is linked to orgies with all ages and child sacrifice. Over the thousands of years it has played out in many different ways, with many different names Astarte-Ashtaroth-Ishatar-Eastre (easter) doing these rituals passed down for thousands of years is full blown worship of these gods whether you believe in a creator or not. (can’t have your cake and eat it too)

Atheist can claim no religion, state there is no devil, but you’ll Be doing this while your flesh is honoring him with these celebrations.

And the Christians you claim hijacking pagan traditions and making them your own somehow honors the Creator.

Those on the Narrow Path warn against these things.

How do we break this three way?

Atheists and Christians would side with the world making them the consensus. That leaves the very Few Not walking with the consensus aka the World.

I share this now while those spirits are weak, these are the very things the Hebrew Messiah came and warned you about:

Mar 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as christmas and easter: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition bowing down to Nimrod and Ishtar.