Not a Playground

Don’t have a desire for obedient worship, no desire to step outside your own will and accept His will and His plan for us? Thats too bad, cause He demands it.

Too many people who know they’re saved by grace and have no works to show from having faith are going to be left poor in spirit, Not just here but the afterlife.

Standing before judgment on your deeds done in this body. It would be humiliating to stand before our Savior who gave His life taking our penalty, hanging on a tree. While His command to Love was ignored and now, circling like a whirl wind, all around us.

Are you expecting to Hear “good and faithful servant” OR maybe “I never knew you” Then He gets to your last minutes and you know Death is just about to take you, now you submit. And you are joyful, even excited, that happened before passing.

Did your last second statement of faith in the Son save you? Congrats in this story we will judge you Faithful and allow you in the Kingdom. So you made it in on a Death bed confession. Now what?

You have no rewards stored up in heaven, there are no longer anytime for treasures. Are you expecting to walk into the bright light to find yourself as a child. Never again having to worry about Elohim being real, cause you have made it.Its a shame, you’re not really into worshipping GD the Creator. Because thats what the after life is entirely about.

What? You pictured Being set free from G-d in the same way Jesus set you free from the law? You pictured yourself as a child, in all your child like wonder running into the playground without end, never called back from play. Yeah Thats the doctrine of men.

The Rewards & Treasures are not possessions, it will be nothing anyone can steal from you. It will be your Ranking as your reward, not an army I see your stripes salute. It will be everything you were here, your brightness (Glow) and your new name, will be your ranking/character it will reveal everything about you. (worship & deeds) You can’t earn this reward after the test of faith of this life is over.

Ah and the Treasures. What could they be? Remember when you were saved and the spirit was really strong, maybe many times since then. It was only when I came obedient I, was able to walk fully in the spirit. The feeling as you guys well know is, something you never want to let go of.

This is the smallest taste of being in the presence of an All Mighty Creator. With every step closer to Him the feeling alone is something you would eventually crumble and worship willingly or not.

So those that have no desire to be obedient to His Righteous Laws and Statues, in this life. He knows our hearts and it will have no desire to submit than either. (Slave mind) As we are shown our life and errors, man will always feel cheated because, GD never placed an unmovable granite rock hanging in thin air, we could visit to comfirm, He really existed.

You don’t think the after life is about the Creation worshipping the Creator?

Think about Satan the highest angel in Elohim creation and the reason he was cast from heaven.

Shabbat Shalom