Choose who you Serve

Genesis 3:20 And the Man called his wife Hawwah, because she become the mother of all living. Eve is carrying the seed of satan. And her and Adam are being thrown out of Eden. Hawwah is the mother of all living in this will be the bloodline to bring about the Savior.

We have Adam & Eve both naked without shame, Innocent as children, uncorrupted naked children do not think about perversion. But then they meet HaSatan and Par-took of his fruit. He taught them the Good (sex) and the Bad (perversion) and now they’re ashamed.

We have 1 the Keeper of Sheep and 1 a Tiller of the Ground. This is an important line as the snake was cursed to eat dirt while man was cursed to bring his food from the dirt. Cain the first born a child of satan is the tiller of the dirt.

And they are both making an offering to Elohim. TORAH. As soon as Sin found its way into the special man, we have our Creator teaching them submission to Him and not our Flesh. (Flesh is what brought down Adam & Hawwah)

Proof Our Father does not want anyone to Perish, found in the next verse. Cain is feeling bad and rejected from the Most High and Elohim says: Why is your face fallen? If you do well, is there not acceptance?”

This is the seed of HaSatan and our Father the Creator of all, so loving in teaching him the way to over come sin. 4:7 And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door, and its desire is for you, but you must master it.”

Elohim is warning Cain if he does not master the desire of his flesh he’ll only find death. We are not 4 chapters deep into the word and we are already being shown Torah and how we must Master our Desires of the Flesh or we will never do well finding only Death.

At this point it is Oral Torah, before it was the written Torah and becoming the living Torah. It’s a complete story my dear friends. This is our Savior. Once man was in the garden walking in the light (Yahsuha) now there is no garden and HaSatan’s spirit is roaming the earth looking to devour whomever he can trick. In a world of darkness it is up to us to accept the Light. And become a child of Light.

Yahuah does not want any to perish, He wants all the children to cross over and Join Y’srael and He will become their Elohim and they will become His children. “The Most High Elohim says: If you do well, is there not acceptance?”

Thats His promise to you, DNA of 6th Day Creation – DNA of Adam – DNA of HaSatan, Our Creator is the source of All, without Him giving us the Breath of Life, none would exist. “Eve his wife; and she said, I have gotten a man from Yahuah”

You can’t chose your earthly father, but you can chose your Spiritual Father. And you’re making a choice whether you know it or not. Yahuah doesn’t want you to perish, but HaSatan does.